Tegomass Fan Report テゴマスファンレポ
Concert goods
Marine Messe Fukuoka — Wednesday, April 2nd and Thursday, April 3rd 2014
Intro/getting there
I left work an hour early to be able to meet my friends at the venue. We ended up meeting in Tenjin first. One of my friends very kindly waited in line to get goods for me at Yokohama and in Fukuoka (because some of the things I asked for sold out in Yokohama). So she gave me my goods and my tickets, but she and her friends went to eat and my friends Lauren and Rosie and I started to make our way to the venue.
concert goods
I was thirsty, so I got some bubble tea, and while waiting for me to get my drink, my friends were stopped by a Japanese lady who saw our Tegomass bags. She was a Johnny’s fan, very sweet, and was excited to talk to us about all things Johnny’s. We exchanged LINE IDs and gabbed about KisMy vs. Sexy Zone, about the Arashi LOVE tour, and ABC-Z. Then we got in line and waited for a bus to Marine Messe.
My friends and I get a lot of stares because we are foreign, but it’s always fun for me when I’m going to a Johnny’s concert, because that way I can actually talk to people and relate to them, and they learn that Johnny’s isn’t confined to Japan. I think they are sometimes impressed that most of us learned Japanese and moved to Japan just for our idols, so it’s nice to be recognized and praised for our hard work. I don’t think they realize how hard it was being an international fan. The most we get are DVDs from YesAsia, and even when I begged my dad to let me go to Japan for a NEWS concert one year, he just laughed at me. When I was in America, I was always jealous that Japanese fans had it easier, but now I think I appreciate how hard I worked, and I value my experience as a fan more because of it. And now I can just as easily go to concerts, Johnny’s shops, and plays, etc. And now that I live here, I can dispel stereotypes about foreigners that I think many Japanese people hold onto. So it’s a win-win situation!
We got to Marine Messe a little early, but we already had our goods, so we decided to walk around the outside of the building and take pictures. When we got to the side of the building, we saw a bunch of girls lined up, screaming every few seconds. We were wondering what they were looking at, so we got closer. They were watching this little courtyard that was fenced off, attached to the building. Every so often, a soccer ball would fly up into the air and we were able to see it over the fence. We concluded that it was Tegoshi playing soccer against the wall before the concert. But then, more girls started running over after seeing the commotion, and the guard told us to leave the area.
We went inside and right behind the seating chart was a display of Tegomass’ cat costumes for the Neko Chuudoku PV. They were so cute, but they wouldn’t let us take pictures. Go figure.
For the first day, we were seated in A block, which was directly in the back, facing the stage. The stage was hidden behind a veil, and there was another small stage right in front of us. The venue was set up so that it felt very intimate. Despite being the same venue as the NEWS con last August, it felt like a completely different place.
Finally, the lights went down and everyone turned on their green penlights. The opening video was a collection of random scenes like people crossing the street in Shinjuku, the ocean at sunset, etc. Then, it had the lyrics of Hikari, and Tegoshi said his line, “…” and Massu said “…” The band started playing Hikari, but they were hidden from view by the lighting. Finally, the lights illuminated Tegoshi and Massu behind the veil, which dropped right after the music picked up tempo after the first part of Hikari ended.
Massu had on a red gingham jacket with tons of gold beading, and underneath he had on black pants and a white T-shirt with black wings around the collar. Tegoshi was dressed similarly in black and white, and wore fake black-rimmed glasses. He took them off after the first two songs, but they looked really good on him.
After Hikari, they played 蒼色ジュブナイル, 音色, and ひとりじゃない. Neiro was really cool because the lights above the stage formed a rainbow and it was really bright and colorful compared to the other songs in the first set, which were pretty relaxed. For ひとりじゃない, Tegoshi and Massu held hands for part of the song and it was adorable.
Then they did a bit of aisatsu and they used Hakata-ben to say “I like you” so it was pretty funny. The fans were kind of unsure how to react sometimes when the lights would get down and it got quiet. Usually people are screaming during parts where nothing is happening, but the first day was really quiet compared to any other Johnny’s concert I’ve been to. Also, Massu was trying to act cool and didn’t seem like his normal cute self, and the fans took notice.
They mainly stayed on the center stage, but sometimes they would go up onto these little platforms on either side to wave at the fans in the stands. We were too far away, so they didn’t really wave at our section until they came around later.
Next, they played いつかの街、ファンタジア、and 魔法のメロディー. I really like the song Fantasia, and their harmony on that song is really nice to listen to. Massu also gets really into it on stage and it’s cute to watch. Mahou no Melody was cute, too. They had a little movie playing behind them on the big screen, and at the beginning, Massu pretended to use his magic to open the curtain. Then they sang 少年 ~Re: Story~ which is another song I really like.
After that, they had us sit down and they talked a little bit, asking us if we listened to/bought the album. They asked is if all of them are in karaoke, to which we told them they are, and then they asked us which Tegomass songs we sing at karaoke. They told us to turn off our penlights and they turned off all the lights except for a few lights to illuminate Tegoshi, Massu, and two members of the band. One had an acoustic guitar and the other had a keyboard (flute thing).
Then Tegomass turned off their mics and serenaded us with 葵ベンチ a capella. It was so moving because the fans were silent and it felt so intimate to hear them sing without anything but their own voices. Next, they sang きれいごと and タイムマシン, but they used mics for both of those. We did keep our penlights off, though.
They went into MC time and Tegoshi asked if the goods sold out. He said, “Well, if you wanted something, you could have just called me!” and the fans screamed and then Massu, being his cocky self that night, said, “Yeah, his number is 080…” Tegoshi freaked out and said “No, it starts with 090! Wait why am I telling you that!” Then Massu said something about how Koyama had to change his address because of Tegoshi. Later, Massu, still acting weird, was like “Everybody say “Nya nya nya nya woo woo!~” But he didn’t give us enough time to say it, so he started rapping “Nobody will do it for me” and Tegoshi gave him a beat. It was silly. Then they talked a little about this tour’s character, which is a cross between a bunny and a kangaroo…. and Massu said it would be cute if we took it with us wherever we go and take pictures with it. He said, “You should take pictures with him eating a crepe…. oh, but don’t get him dirty!”
After the MC, they sang サヨナラにさよなら, which they sang with the PV on in the back on the big screen. Next was シュプレヒコール and innocence, and then they put on cat ears to sing 猫中毒 and we all did the dance with them. After that was 花に想いを and Tegoshi played guitar and tambourine and Massu occasionally played the harmonica (which is my name… Monica… so I was pretty excited). Then they got in their little bowls on the carts and sang ミソスープ. Finally they came near our section, and they waved at us a lot before getting on the mini stage in front of us to sing キッス帰り道のラブソング. Tegoshi sat down on on side of the stairs to face the audience to our left, and Massu did the same thing on the right, so we didn’t see them face to face much. They each had three balls to throw (or kick) into the audience (Tegoshi had soccer balls and Massu’s were green) but on the second day, they weren’t doing a very good job of kicking them into the audience and they would fall on the floor, so the staff had to pick them up over and over again to let them try again.
They got back into their bowls and headed back to the stage, singing 色鮮やかな君が描く明日の絵. While they were moving around, Massu would look into the camera sometimes and blow kisses so it was really funny but in my opinion, it was out of character for him. It was nice to see him acting a little more flirtatious with the audience because I think during NEWS concerts, Koyama and Shige try to do it as well and Massu feels awkward.
They sang 夕焼けと空と自転車 and my favorite song, ハルメキ. Then they said goodbye and went to change. We chanted “テゴマス” over and over until they came out for the encore.
They came out on the carts and sang 月の友達. It was cute because they had on their concert shirts and the carts were the character, which we later learned is name “ウーちゃん”, and they were sitting in the pouch. Tegoshi thanked us for coming and said he was really happy to be able to see us again, and Massu came out and talked for a minute as well, and they ended by singing ヒカリ again.
The next day, I went again, and it was the same set list, but Massu acted a lot cuter and, to me, normal. During the MC, Tegoshi said that he has been writing a diary for 4 years, and we all screamed, and Massu suggested that on the fifth year, he should sell it to us. Tegoshi looked really embarrassed and said “だめだよ!いろんなこと書いてるよ!” (“No way! I write everything in there…”) and he told us he writes down what he eats and if he won at soccer that day and by how many points… and then Massu said, “Oh, we can’t sell that, that’s boring!” Then they talked about skin care and perfume, which was really entertaining. Massu said he asked the band members the night before if they knew how to make a girl’s hearts skip a beat, and he said only one member had any ideas and it was “No matter how old a woman gets, she will always be a little girl inside.” Massu was upset that more of the band members didn’t know how to please women haha… Tegoshi said something about how the number of guys in the audience has increased, to which Massu said, “でも俺は女の子だけに優しいからね!” (Yeah but I’m only nice to girls) and they talked about how maybe guys respect you more if you are like that.
Random things: For キッス帰り道のラブソング they had us sing the chorus and told us our voices were good. The first day was a little more relaxed, but the fans on the second day were a lot more energetic and Tegoshi often commented on how he heard Fukuoka girls are pretty (which is a common, yet true, stereotype). For the song 色鮮やかな君に描く明日の絵, they made us sing the “la la la” part over and over, and for 月の友達, they made us sing “ooh yeah ooh ooh yeah” over and over until I thought I was going to die. They would say “just the girls!” and it was all fine, but when they said, “just the guys!” it was basically silent and we all laughed and told the guys who were trying to do their best.
Overall it was a great two shows. I’m so happy I got to see them again, and I can’t wait for NEWS to have a new single and another tour. I would love to see them in Tokyo if possible because I’ve never been to Tokyo Dome and it’s my dream to see them perform there.
I hope you enjoyed my fan report! I’m going to see Radwimps play on my birthday this Saturday, and I’m seeing Flumpool the week after that. I might write up a little fan report for each one, so look for that if you’re interested!
次は蒼色ジュブナイル、 音色、ひとりじゃない。音色の時はレインボーの昭明が奇麗でした。 ひとりじゃないの時、手越がマッスーと手をつないで、可愛かったです。
挨拶終わって、次はいつかの街、ファンタジア、魔法のメロディー、少年 ~Re: Story~ 。私はファンタジアがすごく好きで、テゴマスのハーモニーを聞いたら鳥肌が立ちます。メロディーの映像も可愛くて、マッスーが魔法を使おうとする姿も可愛かったです。
そのあと、マッスーが調子のって、「エビバディセイ にゃにゃんにゃーにゃにゃんにゃーうぉうぉ!」って言ったが、ファン達がシーンってなって、マッスーが「誰ものって くれないよっ yeah!誰もやって くれないよっ!」したら、手越が「Yeah!」でマッスーが「何でやってくれないのっ」っていうラップありました。
MCが終わったら、後ろのスクリーンで写っているサヨナラにさよならのPVと一緒に歌いました。その次はシュプレヒコールとinnocenceで、猫耳をかぶって猫中毒歌って、みんな一緒にダンスしました。花に想いをって曲の時に手越がギター、マッスーはハーモニカで頑張りました。(ちなみに私の名前はモニカですよ笑ちょっとそれで感動しました笑)ミソスープの時にまた椀のトロッコを使って、センターステージに来てました。キッス帰り道のラブソングの時に、 マッスーが「テゴマスが近すぎてドキドキとまらない」っていうふうに歌詞を変えてみんなキャーとしました。手越はサッカーボールを投げて、マッスーは緑のボールを投げて3個ずつあったけど、二日目はなかなかファンに上手く飛んで行かなくて、何回もスタッフさんがボールを拾ってテゴマスに返しました。
思った事:色鮮やかな君に描く明日の絵の「ラララ」と月の友達の「ウッイェーウッウッイェー」を何回も歌わされて、 のどが痛かったです!